my story
⤷ what wasn't working
I grew up in a small town in the Midwest. The second I was able to start working and get my first job I was washing dishes at the local bar + grill. So since the age of 14, I loved applying myself to work and usually had more than one job.
But there was a problem...
I never felt aligned with what I was doing. I would feel this gut feeling, and unexplainably have the urge to move on. So I quit a lot of jobs, in search of what I was called to do. It was hard, because I had some really great jobs with amazing people, but I always have followed that intuitive knowing.
In the midst of all these job-hopping, I would dabble in starting businesses. I knew I wanted to be creatively lead + leverage social media. I tried so many different things, like Photography, second-hand + up cycled shop, fitness insta.
Nothing clicked.
And the cycle continued.
As I got older, moved away from home, and continued to work I found myself being a leader in the workplace and often recognized as such by my employers. I found myself being a leader in the workplace and often recognized as such by my employers. I would often be given extra responsibilities and certain authorities as a result of my work ethic and values.
To list some of my jobs: toddler gymnastic coach, barista, ice cream scooper, waitress ( sooo many restaurants), juicer at juice bar, preschool teacher's aid, nanny, receptionist at a pediatric dentist, crew + first mate on a catamaran.
⤷ the turning point
There was a pinnacle in my life that changed everything in a single moment..
When I became pregnant with my daughter, Tova.
All of a sudden, I became blindingly aware of the cycles we had created in our lives and the lack of urgency I was living in. I realized that if I wanted James to be home more, if I wanted to be able to travel, provide a life of intention and experience, and be able to invest in all the sustainable and non-toxic brands, I wanted to be successful in a business of my own. And doing so without compromising my passions
Not only did I realize there needed to be major shifts in our income/work, but also with our health.
I grew up in a the rural midwest where the extent of our health was switching our milk to soy (gag), so the concept of nurturing myself and stewarding my health wasn't really pressing. And then I realized that the next generation of my family was starting, and I had a choice to make: stay the same, or make the necessary changes.
I became obsessed with doing everything I possibly could to provide a safe and healthy home for my family, Starting with what we consume.
⤷ finding the key
And then I found it. I found the thing that would answer every desire I had in my heart for my family and myself.
I found a way to use social media + my love for digital creating, my desire to impact and inspire others, and earn financially for our family in a way I had never even thought possible. I had found something so special that it connected me with people around the GLOBE who are like-minded and inspired. It allowed me to cut out all my household cleaners, heavily reduce toxins and single-use plastics in the home, and promote holistic health for my family.. I HAD FOUND THE ✨golden ticket.✨
So I dove in head first, with no lifejacket, knowing that this was what I would ride all the way to my dreams. I knew I had it in myself to succeed and fight for what I wanted in my family's life. I took charge, I took the risk, and I had faith for our family despite the "she's crazy" looks and comments I got from family and friends.
working from social media, inspiring others, promoting holistic health, connecting with homies GLOBALLY, making a massive impact + income >>>>
In the years that I've been building my online business, I've completely re-routed the path for our family and broken the cycles that we were repeating.
So much self-growth. So many amazing connections. So much fulfillment in what I am doing. So many challenges and overcoming, resulting in huge up level in ownership + accomplishment in my life. This business has changed me and our family.
James was able to quit his job and be home with us for almost a full year. In that time, he had the freedom to pursue his passions of art, and begin his dream career as a tattoo artist.
We went from scheduling our life around work, missing important events, miserable and sick of workplace drama, + feeling like we weren't achieving our potential, to having full control of our schedules, both of us doing what we LOVE, building a life to our biggest dreams one brick at a time.
≘ feel like you're not living your fullest life and craving more
≘ often find yourself in positions of influence
≘ passionate about natural wellness + sustainability
≘ want to make $$ from social media
≘ thrive on self-achievement and challenges
≘ natural born leader
is this you?
you're in the right place..
I have built a profitable online business while promoting a product that I truly love and aligns with my values, with ZERO experience in sales or marketing.
With my coaching, you can do the same.
This business and it's patented compensation plan are the key for so many people to find the freedom they've been searching for.
dig a little deeper below, to see if this is the key you've been searching for.